Saturday, September 13, 2008

Week 1 Response Chris M.

Andy Warhol’s new photo exhibit is coming to DePauw University's William Weston Clarke Emison Museum of Art. It will begin on Wednesday, September 17, and end on December 14. The public is allowed to attend the exhibition of 150 black and white Polaroid photos. These photos for taken from 1970-1987, and most have not been seen by the public yet. Some of these photos were donated to college universities, museums, and galleries across the country. Many of the Polaroid photos were taken of different kinds of celebrities, such as athletes, models, actors, etc. Some of the figures in the photos display relative ease in front of the camera, but others present a stiff and studied countenance. However, it appears unaffected by Warhol's instructions to turn this way or that, to look over a shoulder, or to pose with the hands. Warhol had his subjects in many different poses. Warhol was able to take many pictures without concern of focus or light issues. Reading this, I can tell that Andy Warhol is not only an accomplished photographer, but a very good one. He is able to make fantastic pictures out of anything or anyone, regardless of certain flaws. I’m sure that this exhibition should be interesting and attract a lot of viewers. This was a good way to get me to learn more about photography and taking pictures.

Anna Noble was able to capture Antarctica on photo, with its icebergs, penguins, and everything else. Noble captured the shot during a white out, so some say there was nothing to see. But she was very pleased with it. Noble was invited to Ross Island in 2002 as part of the country's "Artists to Antarctica" program. She's said of her work that she is always trying to stop seeing what she expects to see. When she was on the ice, Noble behaved in the opposite way to a traditional landscape photographer: she did not place people in a scene to create a sense of scale or frame a dramatic view, but rather focused on the atmosphere. There were some penguins and tourists with their backs to the camera for some of the photos. Noble has done other odd photo shoots, such as taking pictures of her mouth. I feel that this is a very interesting photo shoot that she did, as it was of a place of somewhat unknown. It was also unorthodox of how she approached it. It makes her a unique photographer, and I’m sure the photos were very interesting.

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