Thursday, December 11, 2008

Week 10 Response Chris Molicki

This article is about the Polaroid Company ending their production of instant film. It is stopping after six years of production. They say the film should still be available in 2009. Tracy Willis, a famous photographer who enjoys these types of photos, was against it. She said it makes the photo great because you can’t edit or delete anything. Others, such as the Burns family, remember when it was used on cross country road trips, and the intriguing photos they got. I think this is interesting why they would stop producing this when it is loved by so many. I would definitely enjoy taking photos like these. They would enable me to capture certain elements that I couldn’t with a camera that could fix everything.

This article is about a photography project that encouraged fourth grades to take photos of the environment in Whetstone Elementary School. There were many photos taken of flocks of geese, whether sitting, flying in their V formation, etc. All of the children said it enabled them to picture better what nature was like. This has inspired the students to continue taking photos, and instilled a love of the art in them. I think this is a fascinating article and shows great inspiration of photography in youngsters. It’s great how the art can find a home to the hearts of all ages, and how interested they were. It is a great thing to do, and they may become more and more dedicated to it.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Week 9 Response Chris Molicki

This article is about Annie Leibovitz, and her photography career. In an early moment of her career, she went on assignment to Ike and Tina Turner's house. While she was there, she noticed vials of white powder and a system of cameras that allowed Ike to monitor what was going on in every room. She was a bit surprised and her photos wound up going public. That is when she decided to truly be a photographer, and not a writer. She also took a famous photo of Whoopi Goldberg in a bath of milk. She says the nature of her portraits depend on her subject. I think this is an interesting article that explains how a photographer got her start. It is an intriguing story showing how it happened. It also talks about cool pictures she has taken over her career, and I would definitely be interesting in seeing them and learning more.

This article is about a Fritz Henle Photography exhibition that opens up in February 2009. It celebrates Fritz Henle, and lands on his birthday. It ends in August and shows his work with his talents extending across genres of photography, including travel, fashion, commercial, portrait, journalistic, documentary, celebrity, industry, landscape and culture. He was a main contributor for life magazine. He is recognized for the clean and sharp elegance of his photos. I think this is good to honor this great photographer for what he did, and better that it’s on his birthday. I would be interested to see the exhibition because from what I read from the article, his work seems like something I would be fascinated by. So I would like to see for myself if his photos are truly amazing, and I would probably find that to be true.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Week 8 Response Chris Molicki

This article is about text messaging, and how it is helping the photography business grow. It uses digital photographs and location alert service. Liz Metcalfe has business that does this, and started from taking photos of windsurfers. The company is called Cape Sessions and has been able to get some pretty cool pictures. With the text message location alert service, it captures the names and cellphone numbers of windsurfers’ to a web form and stores these contact details in a phonebook database. When the wind and surf conditions look promising on a particular day, windsurfers who are subscribed to this location alert service receive a text message broadcasting Metcalfe’s location for the windsurfing photo shoot. That way they get the perfect photo shoot. It also helps if the windsurfers want the photos taken at a specific location. I think this is an interesting way to get good photos, and it shows how technology is immensely helping and effecting the way we do things. Especially for something as neat and difficult as windsurfing, text messaging is now enabling people to get their jobs done easier.

This article is about a Nature Photography exhibit in Stone Bluff Cellars Winery. They are by Ruby Loftin, who captured images of nature, rural America and historical architecture. She loves the images all around us in Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota, and countries like those. Stone Bluff Cellars tries to promote local artists and musicians throughout the year, in a variety of venues at the winery. Loftin is also a professional graphic designer with a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Tulsa. She will also be selling her artwork at the exhibition. I think this article shows how unique some peoples’ views of good photos are. The ideas she has for her images are fascinating, and they probably deserve to be in an exhibit. I would be interested to take a look and see what the photos she ahs captured look like.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Week 7 Response Chris Molicki

This article is about turning the new iphone into some sort if digital camera. It is such an amazing tool, but there have been complaints about the camera’s resolution, flashes, and other tools. So users have developed exciting ways to use the camera. When using the iphone camera, you can instantly share your photos with others. You can take great pictures with this phone and some can even receive one of the iphone photography awards. There are plenty of extra tools, such as Camera bag and magic touch are available to purchase and can improve certain aspects of this pictures you take. Photogene allows you to edit, crop, and add things to your photos. You can rotate the picture and adjust the color too. Another tool, Picoli, also allows you to adjust the color, brightness, and other parts of the picture. Photoboard, Collage, and Image Touch all let you take your pictures and arrange them in a sort of collage. I think this is a very interesting article that is a must read for any iphone owner, especially if you like taking pictures. These are cool applications that can make your photos more exciting. Its amazing how much the iphone can do, and with these applications, it expands their use and lets them do so much more.

This article is about Capital One holding and American Life Photo Contest. This is for pictures of people in everyday life. It includes amazing landscapes, sunsets, neighborhood landmarks, and even pets. Consumers can enter them and they will be voted for online. Winners will receive cash prizes and a meeting with the director of Newsweek Photography, Simon Barnett. He said photography is a great way to tell about a person and is interested to see the photos that people can come up with. I think this article is interesting and I would enjoy participating in one of these contests. They are simple and fun and would be a great hobby. Also, the prizes are very exciting and rewarding, if you were to win.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Week 6 Response Chris Molicki

This article is about photographer William Claxton passing away. He was 80 and died of congestive heart failure. He was famous for his portraits of jazz artists and other famous entertainers, such as Bob Dylan, Frank Sinatra, and others. His images were on the covers of famous magazines, such as Paris Match and Vogue. He was born in California and photography became his hobby. He started with pictures of jazz musicians, and that’s how he got his first record label from Pacific Jazz. Claxon helped establish the organization that runs the Grammy Awards, and also wrote 13 books. It is always sad when someone passes away, but I think it is a good way to honor him by writing an article on him. He sounds like a great photographer, and his work sounds very interesting. It would be fascinating to see some of his portraits of entertainers.

In this article, the Arts and Humanities Council of Tuscaloosa County is seeking entries for their sixth annual Double Exposure Juried Photography Exhibition. Anyone around the state can participate. The deadline is December 1st. There are adult and children divisions, and the exhibition will be held Jan. 25 through Feb. 26, 2009. This article sounds interesting, and I would someday like to participate in a contest like this. It sounds like a lot of fun, and is an easy way to enjoy yourself and take cool pictures. You can get exposure for these pictures, as they will be displayed in a gallery. And who knows? Maybe it could be your big break and you realize that a passion or even just a hobby in your life is photography.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Week 5 Response Chris Molicki

In this article, it talks about how easy outdoor photography can be. The light on nature can make for a truly great picture, but it is constantly changing so you have to be quick. Early in the morning and late in the afternoon are great times when the light looks spectacular. Autumn colors like gold, red, and brown can look good clashing with a blue sky early in the morning. Even a point and shoot can get you a great picture. It is important to not focus on one subject, but rather the entire frame. That makes for a more interesting picture. Beauty can happen in any form of light, but what you see may not be what you get. The lighting can completely change the perspective of the photo. I think this is an interesting article and shows you that no matter what, you can get a good outdoor picture. Just don’t worry about it too much, and it will come out better than expected. You may be surprised with the results, and also the fact that great lighting can occur in any outdoor scenery.

In this article, an 8 year old boy completes a 25 miles, 3 day nature photography adventure with his father. Troy and Rusty Lily released over 600 nature photos of forests and mountains in West Virginia. The photographs are in high quality and are mostly focused on flowers, insects, and waterfalls. The two photographers had an amazing journey, and even encountered a black bear on the way. They took pictures of the waterfalls, and even went down one. It was a rough trip, but they got some fantastic photos out of it. I think this is a great story about two brave and determined photographers and I give them a lot of credit, especially the 8 year old. It shows that if you really put your mind to it, you can get great photos. It was brave of them to go on this journey, and took I lot of perseverance to complete it with great results.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Week 4 Response Chris Molicki

This article is about a photo that was taken by Robert Capa of a Republican Spanish Civil War soldier. There have been accusations that the photo is fake. This photo is a huge part of Capa’s reputation. It is called the Falling Soldier. It has been confirmed that the soldier was shot dead in the battle and it was captured in the photo, but new material shows that the soldier was not killed in that battle. It was eventually proven that Capa was with the troops at the time, and that the authenticity of the picture was proven real. I think that the photo should not have been challenged because it is so old, and there is really no way of proving it was fake. There are many ways nowadays to alter a photo and change what it looks like and what’s in it. But I saw the picture and it truly looks legitimate. It was a great photo and should not be doubted, but rather respected but those who view it.

This article is about finding different inspirations for photos, especially when you think there are none. One way is to shoot photos of things in your own backyard. There are so many bugs that look interesting and would make a great photo. If you go up close, it looks even cooler and they look like a monster. There are also other animals, such as birds, turtles, and hedgehogs. Another inspiration is shooting the people around you. Teppo Moiso took 100 pictures of strangers from the street as a project. Some people will let you take photos of them, and if you start talking to their person and put them at ease, it is less difficult to get a better photo. A third subject of taking pictures could be local landmarks. There are so many landmarks that would look fantastic in a photo. You can also take pictures of them from different sides and different angles to make them more unique. I think this is a very informative article and has shown me a few new things to take pictures of, and ways to look at it. It is amazing how easy it is to get a great picture from the simplest things. That’s why these suggestions for inspirations are so good to use, and you will definitely get an interesting picture.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Week 3 Response Chris M.

Flickr is showing historic photographs to boost access is those areas of photos. Collections from the National Photography Collection will be available. The website also allows other to comment on the photo and add additional information. One of the first few photos is Peter Henry Emerson's 'Picture from Life in Fields and Fen' from 1887. The National Media Museum is where the pictures are being held. The National Photography Collection boasts around three million images and is known to feature work by British photographic inventor William Henry Fox Talbot, including the world's first negative. This is an interesting website that is expanding how everyone can view photos. It is also cool how people can leave comments and spread their information with others.

Holly Harrah captured 15 unique shots layered upon each other to form one giant, colorful NYC photo collage, on accident. She took them when she was going to visit a friend who she met on online and she was just meeting. It is called “Manhattan with Johnny,” and is currently on display. This is a funny story and ironic how she was able to get a good picture. It shows that great photos are not hard to find or create, and you just have to figure out the right way to capture them.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Week 2 Response Chris M.

Alberta is a great landscape to take photos. But you have to pay attention to the whole photo. You can use any camera, but it is good to have a digital camera so you can take as many photos as you’d like and erase the ones you don’t like. You can get great photos of mountains, whether it’s in the morning or the night. The focal point in your photo shouldn’t completely steal the spotlight. Like if you were taking one of a prairie, it would be hard to capture, unless you have the sky or the road to pull you eye from it. If you are taking a picture of a family, you should take it as they follow you. These are interesting tips on how to take photos. I agree that if you do put other things in a picture, it looks better by taking the focus off just the main object. I’m sure I’ll use these while taking photos.

The Pixetra chain of stores and Coffee Books are partnering together to hold a photography contest. Entry is open to everyone and completely free. The theme of the contest is ‘Food & Fun’. All you need to do is email your digital photos to the store. The top entries will be displayed and get prizes. I think this is an awesome idea and sounds like fun. I would love to participate in a photo contest because I think it would be fun to see what pictures I could get and how good they could be. This contest seems like a lot of fun and would be an interesting hobby to take up.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Week 1 Response Chris M.

Andy Warhol’s new photo exhibit is coming to DePauw University's William Weston Clarke Emison Museum of Art. It will begin on Wednesday, September 17, and end on December 14. The public is allowed to attend the exhibition of 150 black and white Polaroid photos. These photos for taken from 1970-1987, and most have not been seen by the public yet. Some of these photos were donated to college universities, museums, and galleries across the country. Many of the Polaroid photos were taken of different kinds of celebrities, such as athletes, models, actors, etc. Some of the figures in the photos display relative ease in front of the camera, but others present a stiff and studied countenance. However, it appears unaffected by Warhol's instructions to turn this way or that, to look over a shoulder, or to pose with the hands. Warhol had his subjects in many different poses. Warhol was able to take many pictures without concern of focus or light issues. Reading this, I can tell that Andy Warhol is not only an accomplished photographer, but a very good one. He is able to make fantastic pictures out of anything or anyone, regardless of certain flaws. I’m sure that this exhibition should be interesting and attract a lot of viewers. This was a good way to get me to learn more about photography and taking pictures.

Anna Noble was able to capture Antarctica on photo, with its icebergs, penguins, and everything else. Noble captured the shot during a white out, so some say there was nothing to see. But she was very pleased with it. Noble was invited to Ross Island in 2002 as part of the country's "Artists to Antarctica" program. She's said of her work that she is always trying to stop seeing what she expects to see. When she was on the ice, Noble behaved in the opposite way to a traditional landscape photographer: she did not place people in a scene to create a sense of scale or frame a dramatic view, but rather focused on the atmosphere. There were some penguins and tourists with their backs to the camera for some of the photos. Noble has done other odd photo shoots, such as taking pictures of her mouth. I feel that this is a very interesting photo shoot that she did, as it was of a place of somewhat unknown. It was also unorthodox of how she approached it. It makes her a unique photographer, and I’m sure the photos were very interesting.